Roland Crane

a portrait of a man with a smile on his face

Running peer advisory groups is my single professional focus. I apply my best efforts and energies to improving my member’s lives — and the lives of their families and employees.

I am the least important person in my groups - my focus is on you.

I led middle market companies for 12 years and have spent the rest of my time as a commercial banker, CFO, or consultant. I have had primary responsibility for generating over $100 million in profits, and I’ve worked with leaders in a wide range of industries & circumstances, from highly profitable to turnaround.

I’ve managed over 30 construction projects, done business overseas, negotiated union contracts, established new markets, and built a brand. I’ve been sued and sued others, gotten lucky, been embezzled from, experienced bribery attempts, nearly got in a fight with a contractor, and generally had a lot of fun.

There were times when I felt what all leaders feel – isolated, and unsure of the best decision to make.

I sure could have used a peer-advisory group.