Want to accelerate sales & profit?
Grow personally & professionally?
Lonely at the top?
168 hours a week not enough?
Growth stalled?
Conflict at home?
Need a real advisory board?
Here are ten reasons NOT to join (link)
I convene monthly meetings of leaders in a virtual, confidential, agenda-free environment (link) where we work on top issues & opportunities.
We do the work.
My groups are for business owners and CEOs – you need to be the decision-maker or on equal ground if you have a partner (or partners). Your time is very valuable and it’s my job to make sure you you get maximum value - so I make sure we stay focused and do the work.
Referrals happen, but it’s not a networking group
When you put people in a room they’ll find common ground and ways to help each other. Fantastic, but the purpose of our meeting time is to solve problems and become better leaders.
Who holds you accountable now?
When we finish working on an issue, that person commits to an action by a date certain. In the future we follow up to see results and if the issue needs any more work. Accountability is a key part of the work we do.